Dealing with Physical Aggression in Caregiving: Non-Physical and Physical Interventions
When aggressive behavior happens, does your staff know how to respond quickly and safely to contain the behavior in a way that prevents injury to both the resident and themselves? This video and workbook training package, prepared by Carly Hellen, and Peter Sternberg, L.C.S.W., will teach your staff the preventive, non-physical interventions for minimizing violent episodes and, if necessary, the physical interventions to contain aggressive behaviors while preserving the dignity of the resident.
The training package includes three 22-minute videos showing the procedures in detail and a 27-page workbook giving staff training suggestions, detailed instructions and reproducible handouts for easy reference and review.
Some of the areas covered in the training package are:
- Dementia-related stressors for aggression
- Non-physical interventions
- Physical interventions
- A sample administrative policy and procedure statement for dealing with Aggressive Behavior
Release date: 1999
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