Our Staff

Jim Vanden Bosch
Jim is the Founder and Executive Director of Terra Nova Films. He has produced several award-winning films on a variety of aging-related issues, including several videos on successful ways to communicate and work with persons who are living with dementia. He is also an Associate Editor for the arts and humanities section of The Gerontologist, an academic journal of the Gerontological Society of America. In this position he reviews mainstream films that deal with aging themes.

Ginny Priestman
Ginny, AKA “The Hub”, has served as the office manager and administrative assistant at Terra Nova Films for the past 23 years. Her responsibilities are many – you name it she does it, from accounting to project assistance, to managing the office’s communication and information technology and keeping the website current.

Gloria Starling
Gloria is on the phone with customers every day, talking about how our videos can help them carry out their mission. She also creates marketing materials, acquires new titles for distribution, promotes Terra Nova’s videos at conferences, and fulfills any special customer needs or requests. She’s been with Terra Nova for 21 years. Her goal is to make each customer’s day better by providing helpful and exemplary service – with a genuine smile.